@home school week 5/26 to 5/29

Paste the material inside the box into the assignment in schoology (see ppt instructions located just beneath the Schoology button). 
Social Studies | Per. 1 | Per. 3 | due by Friday, 5/29 |
*Paste this template into schoology and fill in your answers. Materials for each section are below this template.
A. Video Responses "The Punic Wars" video (5 points
Things I learned (list 3 things with historical significance):
Vocabulary words OR history specific terms (choose two words or terms to look up and define):
B Short Answers (read pgs 329-337 (5 points)

* * * No more than 3 sentences in an answer * * *

1. What was the goal of the Roman legal system?
2. What legal tools did the Roman Republic use to uphold the rule of law?
3. Put the following events of the Punic Wars in order from first to last. 
Scipio attacks Carthage.
Roman navy defeats Carthage off the coast of Sicily. 
Carthage is burned by Roman soldiers.
Spain rebels against Carthaginian rule.
Hannibal defeats the Romans at Cannae.
Rome seeks control of Sicily.
4. What important innovation did the Romans introduce to naval fighting?
B. Read pgs 329-337  "The Founding of Rome"
Language Arts | Per. 2 | Per. 4 | due by Friday, 5/29 |
*Paste this template into schoology and fill in your answers. Materials for section B are below this template.
Weekly Edit (5 points)

Find 10 errors in this paragraph (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc)

No Edit this week




Short Answers (read "The Road Not Taken," pg 59)

* * * In your answer, cite evidence from the text and explain. Each answer, 3-5 sentences * * *


1 What evidence in the text of the poem shows you that the speaker is uncertain about which road to choose?. 

2 How does the speaker feel about the road he didn’t take? Cite textual evidence to support your answer.


In the reading...


This reminds me of...

B. Read pgs 59 in this book.
PDF version attached here