Elective Course Descriptions
ELECTIVES 2024-2025
When you select your elective on the Google Form (go to our website to access!), the options for electives will be indicated. NOT ALL CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE. Elective classes are given priority to what program a student is enrolled in, i.e. HALE, STEAM, or VAPA.
8th Grade Electives
7th Grade Electives
6th Grade Electives
Elective Descriptions 2024-2025
* Teacher Approval Required
Animal Science/ Environmental Management (7th and 8th Grade)
Students in this class will oversee the day-to-day care and management of our resident animals at the Hale Farm. Student duties include overseeing animal nutrition, grooming and the building/improvement of enclosures. In addition, students will research animals in general, including how they are classified, named and studied. Students will explore a wide range of careers related to studying and/or working with animals.
*This hands-on class requires a high level of responsibility and trustworthiness from every student enrolled.
For more information visit our website at halecharteracademy.com - “Programs” - “Hale Farm”
Send questions to Mrs. Coates [email protected]
Automation and Robotics/Medical Detectives (8th Grade) : Fall Semester- Students explore mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems. Using the VEX Robotics® platform, students apply what they know to design and program traffic lights, robotic arms, and more. Spring Semester- Students use the concepts of advanced neuro and biotechnology and Computer Science to build and program a robotics hand. They will then use a headset to make amazing things happen in the physical world with the power of their brainwaves. Annual Elective
Computer Science Innovators & App Creators (7th grade): Fall Semester- Students will learn about programming for the physical world by blending hardware design and software development, allowing students to discover computer science concepts and skills by creating personally relevant, tangible, and shareable projects. Spring Semester- Students will be exposed to computer science as a means of computationally analyzing and developing solutions to authentic problems through mobile app development and will convey the positive impact of the application of computer science to other disciplines and to society. Annual Elective
Cybersecurity (8th Grade): Cybersecurity introduces the tools and concepts of cybersecurity and encourages students to create solutions that allow people to share computing resources while protecting privacy. Nationally, computational resources are vulnerable and frequently attacked; in Cybersecurity, students solve problems by understanding and closing these vulnerabilities. This course raises students’ knowledge of and commitment to ethical computing behavior. It also aims to develop students’ skills as consumers, friends, citizens, and employees who can effectively contribute to communities with a dependable cyber-infrastructure that moves and processes information safely. If you took this course in 7th grade, do not choose it again for 8th grade. Annual Elective
Design and Modeling (6th grade): Students discover the Engineering design process and develop an understanding of the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. They also learn about the basics of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, physical computing, and 3D printing. They are then challenged and empowered to use and apply what they’ve learned throughout the unit to design and build a physical computing device. Semester Elective
Environmental Education (7th and 8th Grade): This class will explore the connection between people and our environment, taking a closer look at how our actions and decisions affect everything around us. What innovations can we create today to improve lives in the future? How can we find a balance between our fast paced world and living sustainably? Students in this class will run a school-wide recycling program, study food production, participate in career talks, complete hands-on labs, learn about indoor plants and growing gardens both indoors and out. Annual Elective
Exploring Coding (6th Grade) Students are introduced to the concepts of Computer Science and coding. Students become “computational thinkers” by applying a variety of problem-solving techniques as they create solutions to problems in a variety of contexts. Students take the role of a software developer by expanding their knowledge of SCRATCH coding and Microsoft Minecraft platforms. Coding will be the basis of a variety of projects including animated stories, video games and community-based projects. Semester Elective
Foundations of Information Technology (7th Grade): This course provides students with an introduction to the four pathways in the Information Technology Industry Sector including Software Development (programming), Games and Simulations, Stop Motion Animation, Code Drop Robotics, and Support Services. Students will complete a variety of fun and engaging projects that integrate concepts and standards of each pathway and provide a strong foundation for students to prepare them for advanced Computer Science courses in high school. Annual Elective
Horticulture (6th Grade): If you like growing plants and working outside in the agriculture area, then horticulture is for you. This hands-on class will include gardening demonstrations and practice, planting flower and vegetable beds and composting. Units of study will also include plant identification, floral arranging, propagation of plants and insect/pest management. Semester Elective
For more information visit our website at halecharteracademy.com - “Programs” - “Hale Farm”
Send questions to Mrs. Coates [email protected] Semester Elective
Robotics: This class will allow students to discover basic computer science and robotics concepts and skills by creating personally relevant, tangible, and shareable projects. Throughout the unit, students will work on coding assignments (code.org, scratch…), will program dash-dot robots for specific tasks, and will get a chance to compete in robotics and engineering competitions (Wonder league, NASA OPSPA,etc.). Annual Elective
*Advanced Band (7th and 8th Grade): For students who have been playing a wind instrument or percussion for at least one year. The Advanced Band performs three on-campus concerts, and two off-campus festivals and competitions. Audition required. Submit a 1 minute video of your best instrumental piece. Student must be visible on video. Email to [email protected] by March 22ndt. Class requires approval from Mr. Cruz. Annual Elective
*Advanced Orchestra (7th and 8th Grade): For students who have been playing a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, or string bass) for at least one year. The Advanced Orchestra performs three on-campus concerts, and two off-campus festivals and competitions. Audition Required. Submit a 1 minute video of your best instrumental piece. Student must be visible on video. Email to [email protected] by March 22ndt. Class requires approval from Mr. Cruz. Annual Elective
Beginning Band: (7th and 8th Grade): Beginning Band is a year-long course for students who would like to learn wind and percussion instruments, such as the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, and concert percussion and drums. The beginning band class performs two on-campus concerts per year. No audition, director approval, or prior music experience required. Annual Elective
Beginning Strings (6th Grade): Beginning Strings is a year-long course for students who would like to learn the violin, viola, cello, or string bass. The beginning strings class performs two on-campus concerts per year. No audition, director approval, or prior music experience required. Annual Elective
Beginning Winds (6th Grade): Beginning Winds is a year-long course for students who would like to learn wind and percussion instruments, such as the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, and concert percussion and drums. The beginning band class performs two on-campus concerts per year. No audition, director approval, or prior music experience required. Annual Elective
*Advanced Dance: Develop self-confidence, body awareness, rhythm, coordination and physical fitness. Students learn a variety of dance styles and techniques. Auditions Week of March 4th during lunch. Any additional questions, email Mrs. Ball at [email protected]. Class requires approval from Mrs. Ball Annual Elective
Advanced Drama A/B (7th and 8th Grade): An intermediate class covering theater fundamentals that requires daily participation in pantomime, character study, projection and public speaking. Students taking Advanced Drama must have already taken Theater Exploration as a prerequisite. Annual Elective
Dance: Develop self-confidence, body awareness, rhythm, coordination and physical fitness. Students learn a variety of dance styles and techniques. Auditions for Advanced Dance Week of March 4th during lunch.
Musical Theater: Combination of songs, spoken dialogue, dancing and acting. Students will obtain training and skills associated with Musical Theater: singing, acting and movement/choreography, and use correct terminology and vocabulary in written and oral discussion. Students will have the opportunity to rehearse, perform, direct, and choreograph/stage various scenes from the Broadway genre. In addition to performing and producing, students will learn the historical and cultural significance of various Broadway musicals. All students are expected to both perform and direct/produce. Performances will be both in-class and “mainstage” productions. Annual Elective
*Play Production (7th and 8th Grade): Advanced class emphasizing acting and all theater production skills. After school rehearsals and evening performances are required. Audition required, email a 1 minute video monologue showcasing projection and character development. Musical theater auditions including acting, singing, dancing may be submitted. Email by March 30th Mrs. Ball. Class requires approval from Mrs. Ball. Annual Elective
Theater Exploration (6th Grade): A beginning class covering musical theater fundamentals that requires daily participation in pantomime, character study, dance, projection, and public speaking. Students learn improvisation techniques. Annual Elective
*Leadership (7th and 8th Grade): A class for dedicated and responsible students who want to be involved with student government and planning school activities. Students must meet prerequisites to be eligible and fill out a Leadership Application and attend an interview. Class requires approval from Ms. Seligson and Ms. Castagna. Application and Interview information will be available on Schoology and the Hale website. Annual Elective
*Yearbook (7th and 8th Grade): This full-year class is responsible for the design and preparation of the school yearbook including computer graphic design, photography, artwork, layout, and copywriting. Students will interact with peers and adults on campus in order to create the story of the school year. Class requires approval from Ms. Seligson. Application information will be available on Schoology and the Hale website. Annual Elective
Art (7th and 8th Grade): General art class that reviews basic art elements and principles as they are applied within various art projects. Students learn a variety of art skills using different art materials for self-expression. Annual Elective
Art Exploration (6th Grade): Introduces the basic art elements and principles as they are applied within various art projects. Students learn a variety of art skills using different art materials for self-expression. Semester Elective
*Advanced Art (7th and 8th Grade): Advanced class that is primarily hands-on drawing, painting, pastels, etc. Class includes art history, discussing and viewing art from master artists. Students will be encouraged to use their creativity and own ideas while creating their art. This class may work on special projects for the school. Class requires approval from Mr. Sonderling. Submit 3-5 pieces via email to Mr. Sonderling at [email protected] by March 22nd. Class requires approval from Mr. Sonderling. Annual Elective
Exploring Media (7th and 8th Grade): This production course includes broadcast journalism and providing content for Hale social media, including the Hale News Network (HNN). Students will learn to edit and adjust photographs, videos, and produce content for digital platforms. Students will also learn and practice digital citizenship. Annual Elective
Film Making (7th and 8th Grade): Students will learn how to appreciate, analyze and interpret theme, character, story structure, and narrative technique through the medium of film. We will also explore the artistry of sound, camera, costumes, set making, stunts, and sound effects that help the filmmakers tell their stories. Annual Elective
College Eds (6th Grade): Reviews preparation required to be eligible for university entrance as a freshman. Explores colleges, careers, and study skills for success. Semester Elective
Creative Expression (7th and 8th Grade): The class provides students with an opportunity to develop their creative, design, and writing skills. A variety of topics and projects will be introduced to students. Students create models, perform skits, make videos, draw, analyze classical art, use digital media, create stories, research and present different genres of art, create slideshows for presentations, use photography, evaluate music, create digital art. Annual Elective
Creative Writing (7th and 8th Grade): The class provides students with an opportunity to develop their creative, design, and writing skills. A variety of topics and projects will be introduced to students. Annual Elective
Ethnic Studies, Identity & Community (8th Grade): The focus of this course is to educate students to be politically, socially, and economically conscious about their personal connections to local and national history. This course will focus on the experiences of African American, Asian American, Latino American, and Native American. This course will also include an identity section where students will consider concepts related to their own personal, group and/or national identity. Semester Elective
Marine Science: We will investigate the ocean, the largest biome on Earth. We will be breaking down the biome into different ecosystems and studying how the biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem interact. We will also be studying the various animals that inhabit each of the ecosystems and how they have adapted to be best suited for each environment.