@home school week, 3/30-4/2

Social Studies | Per. 1 | Per. 3 | due by Thursday, 4/2 |
*Paste this template into schoology and fill in your answers. Materials for each section are below this template.
A. Video Responses "What Did Democracy Really Mean" (5 points)
Things I learned (list 3 things with historical significance):
Vocabulary words OR history specific terms (choose two words or terms to look up and define):
B. Reading & Short Answers from pgs 208-212
* * * No more than 3 sentences in an answer * * *
1 What is a "myth"?
2 Describe the shrine at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi and explain what happened there.
3 Explain how the Greeks honored their Gods and Goddesses.
4 Name a famous epic written by the poet Homer and briefly describe it. 
5 Why did the Ancient Greeks value Homer's writings and epics?
A. What Did Democracy Really Mean in Ancient Greece (Athens)
If the embedded video does not work, use this link: https://youtu.be/0fivQUlC7-8
B. Reading in this book
pgs 208-212
Language Arts | Per. 2 | Per. 4 | due by Thursday, 4/2 |
*Paste this template into schoology and fill in your answers. Materials for section B are below this template.
A. Weekly Edit (5 points)
Find 10 errors in this paragraph (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc)

Patrick Henry's Liberty Speech

Before 1776, colonyists in what is now America were ruled by Britain. Patrick Henry told people that this was not write. He did not like british law’s and wanted to starts an army to fight for freedom. In a speach, he said he was not afraid of dyeing. Henry’s famous quote was Give me liberty or give me death!” his words made others beleive they should start a war. In 1775, the American Revolution began.

B. Reading & Short Answers (from Study Sync pgs 374-377 ”Sunrise Over Fallujah" (5 points)

* * * In your answer, cite evidence from the text and explain. Each answer, 3-5 sentences * * *

1. Refer to one or more details from the text to explain how Kennedy uses humor to lighten the conversation with the narrator. Base your answer both on evidence that is directly stated and ideas that you have inferred from clues in the text. 
2. Write two or three sentences explaining how the narrator and Jonesy have different attitudes toward their time in Kuwait. Support your answer with textual evidence.
3. Connect an experience from your life to one of the characters' experiences: 
    - In the story...
    - This reminds me of a time when...
B. Read "Sunrise Over Fallujah" pgs 374-377 this book.
PDF version of the reading is attached below: