@home school week 4/27 to 5/1

Paste the material inside the box into the assignment in schoology (see ppt instructions located just beneath the Schoology button). 
Social Studies | Per. 1 | Per. 3 | due by Friday, 5/1 |
*Paste this template into schoology and fill in your answers. Materials for each section are below this template.
A. Video Responses "Who Was Socrates" video (5 points)
Things I learned (list 3 things with historical significance):
Vocabulary words OR history specific terms (choose two words or terms to look up and define):
B. Short Answers (read pgs 228-232 (5 points)

* * * No more than 3 sentences in an answer * * *

1.What was the condition of Greece that made it easy for Philip II to conquer almost all the Greek city-states?

2. Philip II conquered many Greek city-states with his army. What other two ways did he use to gain control of Greek city-states?            

3. Conquering Greece was just a first step for Philip II. What was his real goal?

4. Who thought that Philip II was dangerous to Greece? What did he try to get the Athenians to do? 

5. After Philip II died, how long did it take Alexander to build his empire? Explain how you arrived at your answer.

A. Plato's Best (and worst) Ideas? 

If the video does not play, try playing it in a different browser or paste use this URL


B. Read pgs 228-232 this book.
Language Arts | Per. 2 | Per. 4 | due by Friday, 5/1 |
*Paste this template into schoology and fill in your answers. Materials for section B are below this template.
A. Weekly Edit (5 points)
Find 10 errors in this paragraph (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc)
Patrick Henry believe that a king who ignored laws made by local people was a tyrant who did not deserve loyalty from his subjects. I no not what course others may take,” said Henry in March 1775 “but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” With those words, he called on virginians to defend there rights. His actions marked the start of the American revolution in that state Henry later served as Virginia’s Governor four three terms.
B. Short Answers (read "The Education of George Washington," pgs  391-395)
* * * In your answers, cite evidence from the text and explain. Each answer, 3-5 sentences * * *
1. Use details from the text to write two or three sentences describing the conditions at Valley Forge.
2. Write two or three sentences explaining whom the author credits for not only the survival but the toughness and strength of the American soldiers at Valley Forge. Support your answer with textual evidence.
3. Make a Connection:

In the reading...


This reminds me of...

B. Read pgs 391-395 this book.
PDF version attached here