J. Rhee » Posts


All homework assignments, announcements, etc. are posted on Schoology. 
You must register your account with Schoology before using it. 
To register, 
go to www.lausd.net and click on "families" 
Click on LAUSD PASSport and "register"
To sign on to Schoology, 
To reset your password you will need your district ID and Pin #
Click "student"
Click "Activate your account or reset your password"

Mrs.Rhee's Wish List

- 5 Subject spiral notebooks
- Disinfecting wipes
- File folders
- Sheet protectors
- Big glue sticks

Mrs.Rhee's List of Supplies

- Black/ blue and red pens
- Ruler
- Box of colored pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- 5 subject spiral notebook
- Glue sticks
- Pair of Scissors