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City of Angels School is the independent study school (homeschooling) for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) that offers K-12 students a full-time educational program through weekly appointments. It is designed for students with special interests and abilities, scheduling problems, or individual needs that cannot be accommodated in the traditional school setting.

The Jeopardy Program is a gang prevention/intervention program for boys and girls ages 8 through 17 and their parents. Jeopardy combines the strength of the community, neighborhood schools and the police department to effect positive, lifelong attitudinal changes in the young people so as to have a positive impact on the community.
Jeopardy targets "at risk" children, offering a variety of educational and physical projects, from tutoring to martial arts. The goals of the Jeopardy Program are:


  • Decrease truancy
  • Improve grades
  • Increase graduation rates
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Decrease the risk of gang involvement
  • Improve conflict resolution and other life-affirming skills
  • Improve and demonstrate goal-setting skills
  • Improve reading and writing
  • Decrease violent and other inappropriate behavior
Please see your dean and/or counselor for more information.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" (BILY) is a parent support group designed to help parents whose children (of all ages) have behavioral problems. These problems are in the areas of, but not limited to, ATTITUDE, SUBSTANCE ABUSE, RUNNING AWAY AND CURFEW.
Parenting 24/7 is a "one-stop" source of news, information, and advice on parenting and family life from University of Illinois Extension. Designed for parents and grandparents of children from birth through the teens, it provides feature articles with research-based information, video clips of parents and experts, breaking news and commentary, newsletters, and recommendations to the best parenting resources on the web

The Department of Public Health recognizes that parenting has its share of challenges, and we are so glad that you found your way to this information. You may be a parent, grandparent, foster parent, neighbor, or mentor. No matter your title, you are an important role model in your teen’s life, and supporting their mental health is vital to their wellbeing. We are pleased to share information and resources with you that support your teen as they learn, grow, and overcome challenges.

If you are a parent or guardian accessing this toolkit because your teen is currently, or close to, experiencing a crisis involving physical or verbal outbursts, or even thoughts of hurting themselves, please skip to the section titled What to Do in a Crisis.