Hello! Welcome to Hale Charter Academy and a great school year!
My name is Randi Seligson and I teach 6th grade English and History in the STEAM Magnet and advise 7th-grade and 8th-grade ASB Leadership and Yearbook. I have been an educator for over 20 years and every year is unique!
My name is Randi Seligson and I teach 6th grade English and History in the STEAM Magnet and advise 7th-grade and 8th-grade ASB Leadership and Yearbook. I have been an educator for over 20 years and every year is unique!
My goal is to provide a rigorous program that is student-centered and lets each student's strengths shine. My purpose is to teach life-long learning skills on how to use language effectively and appreciate our past. I teach skills students can utilize today and into their futures.
Please use Schoology to locate information about courses and grading criteria, policies and procedures, assignments, grades, and announcements.
If you need to contact me, please send an email or a message through Schoology.

I am looking forward to an awesome year!
STEAM website: http://hcasteam.weebly.com/
Hale Charter Academy website: www.halecharteracademy.com
Teacher Leader - CSUN Writing Project
Board Member - Southland Council of Teachers of English
Council Member - California Association of Directors of Activities (CADA)
LAUSD 2017 Teacher of the Year