Marina Belenkaia » Greek and Latin Roots

Greek and Latin Roots

Week 1
ROOT                                   MEANING
1. an                                     related to
2. contra, counter                   against
3. bio,vit,viv                            life
4. ology                                study of
5. y                                      inclined to, related to
6. phil                                   love
7. act                                   do, go
8. super, sur, supr                over, above, more
9. sub                                  under, below
10. anthro                            man, human being

Week 2
ROOT                                                   MEANING
11. poly, multi                                       many
12. auto                                                same, self
13. graph, gram, scrib, scrip                  write, writing
14. tele                                                far, distance
15. vis, vid                                            see, look
16. tion,sion                                         act of, state of
17. patr,pater                                       father
18. matri, mater                                   mother
19. ped                                                child
20. dem(o)                                          people

Week 3
ROOT                                               MEANING
21. phon(o)                                        sound
22. hyp, hypo                                    under
23. im, in(a)                                      in, into
24. il, ir                                            not
25. card, cor, cord, cour                    heart
26. capit, cap                                   head
27. man                                           hand
28. pod, ped                                     foot
29. en,em                                        in, into, with
30. ant, anti                                     against
Week 4
ROOT                                               MEANING
31. mono, uni                                    one
32. bi, du                                          two
33. tri                                               three
34. quar, quad                                   four
35. penta, quint                                 five
36. dec, deca                                    ten
37. cent                                            hundred
38. kilo, mill                                      thousand
39. semi, hemi                                  half
40. hyper                                          above, over, more
Week 5
ROOT                                            MEANING
41. chron, tempo                             time
42. aqua, aqui, hydr                         water
43. ques, quer                                 ask
44. geo, terr                                    earth, land
45. pri                                            first
46. oper                                         work
47. nat                                           birth
48. maxi                                        large, great
49. sphere                                     round
50. cycl, orb                                   circle
Week 6
ROOT                                          MEANING
51. mega                                      large, great
52. micro, min                               small
53. magn, magni                           great
54. spec, scop                              see, look
55. stru, struct                              build
56. crat, cracy                              power, rule
57. equi                                       equal
58. extra, exter                             outside, excessive
59. ortho                                      straight, right
60. dent, don                                teeth
Week 7
ROOT                                         MEANING
61. bene, bon                              good, well
62. doc                                       teach
63. co, col, com, con, syn, sym    with, together
64. meter                                    measure
65. fore, pre                                before, toward
66. fract, frag                              break, shatter
67. post                                     after, behind
68. therm                                   heat
69. port                                      bring, carry
70. trans                                    across, over
Week 8
ROOT                                         MEANING
71. re                                         back, again
72. ject                                      throw
73. medi                                    middle
74. pro                                       before, forward
75. mob, mot, mov                      move
76. loc, lob, loqu                         speak, talk
77. luc, lum                                light
78. ante                                     before
79. miss, mit                              send
80. ex                                        out of, outside
Week 9
ROOT                                        MEANING
81. non, un, im                            not
82. inter                                      between, among
83. intra, intro                              in, into
84. omni                                      all
85. migra                                    wander
86. retro                                      backwards
87. ible, able                               able, can do
88. neo, nov                                new
89. gen                                       birth, origin
90. mem                                     to remember
ROOT                                         MEANING
91. mal, male                              bad
92. techni                                    skill
93. ist                                         one who
94. ic,ical, ive                              like
95. noct                                      night
96. vert, vers                               turn
97. photo                                    light
98. dict                                       say, declare
99. temper                                  temperature
100. fin                                      end